Blue Demon Jr, Dos Caras, Huracan Ramirez Jr, Argozan, Trench Fighter, Neutron, El Cardo
Considered among the greatest and most influential wrestlers of all time. Mil Mascaras is also a respected artist and the star of over 20 films during his 50-year career. In addition to wrestling and films, his character has appeared in hundreds of Spanish-language comic books. Member of the US Wrestling Hall of Fame and the WWE Hall of Fame. Co-starred with El Santo and Blue Demon in iconic films such as Mystery in Bermuda and Mummies of Guanajuato, the latter of which became the world-wide highest grossing Mexican film of the 1970s.
His late father is the most beloved and respected figure in the history of Lucha Libre, but Hijo del Santo has established his own credentials as one of the most skilled, acrobatic wrestlers of all time. Has starred or co-starred in over a dozen films. His tag-team fight with Mil Mascaras in the film Mil Mascaras vs. the Aztec Mummy is considered by many to be the equal of or superior to his father's best film bouts.
Intelligent, attractive, and one of the most skilled and athletic fighters - male or female - of all time. Her character has appeared in multiple films, though in some cases portrayed by actresses. She and Mil Mascaras were at one time considered to be lucha's greatest power couple. After serving as professor for 17 years, La Torcha became the first president of the Wrestling Women Academy after the retirement of the Headmistress.
After inheriting the iconic mask of Blue Demon, Blue Demon Jr became a top wrestler in his own right. Has appeared in several films and also in animated form in popular television cartoon series such as Mucha Lucha.
Like his brother, Mil Mascaras, Dos Caras is considered to be not only one of the most talented wrestlers of all time but also one of the sports most strategic competitors.
Charismatic and popular as an anti-hero, Luctor has held only one championship belt (after a disputed defeat of Mil Mascaras). Was defeated due to a controversial disqualification during a championship match with the Magister. Luctor was later banned from competition by most sanctioning bodies due to his purported involvement in criminal activities. Luctor's diverse business interests and assets are reported to have value exceeding two-billion US dollars, but many believe his net worth is vastly larger.
His original namesake was one of the first luchadores to be featured in films, starting in the late 1950s and continuing through the 1960s. Huracan Ramirez Jr has had fewer film roles but has had greater success in the ring.
A highly skilled wrestler whose namesake was featured in a highly popular series of films in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The current Neutron has brought further glory to the mask both in the ring and in a handful of films.
One of the most exciting and charismatic luchadores, Argozan has been featured in films with many of the most famous luchadores of all time.
El Medico Angel is a respected wrestler and artist who acknowledges the influence of Mil Mascaras. Is regarded by many as a throwback to the Golden Age of lucha libre. El Medico Angel appeared in two films with Mil Mascaras. His son, Hijo del Medico Angel, was portrayed in the Mil Mascaras film, Aztec Revenge.
An individual champion who returned from retirement to become a tag-team champion with La Torcha. Was the first Headmistress of the Mil Mascaras Wrestling Women Academy.
Sometimes referred to as the Scholar Luchador, the Magister is considered to be a foremost authority on the theory and practice of wrestling and the martial arts. Has appeared both as himself and has also been portrayed by actors in various films.
Known for theatrical performances in the ring, Dramatico has found success individually and as tag-team partner with Logico.
Former student of the Magister, Logico later rebuked his teacher's "ego-centric" philosophy of wrestling and joined with Dramatico to produce one of the most memorable tag-team pairings.
A champion grappler with highly unorthodox technique, Medea was one of the top female wrestlers in the world despite persistent rumours of foul play. As a result, her character is often depicted negatively in fictional works, e.g., as in the film Academy of Doom in which it is suggested that she uses toxic substances to disable her opponents.
His iconic yellow/black day/night mask has remained consistent even though his body has changed dramatically over the years from lightweight to super heavyweight.
One of the most enigmatic of luchadores, Luchanaut is both a wrestler and the CEO of a major security agency. Was a tag-team partner of Mil Mascaras and later with Dianoche.
A respected wrestler who has been a significant innovator despite having never won a major belt. Gained attention for disarming a gunman who attempted to shoot Mil Mascaras. Occasionally tag-team partners with a mini-luchador, Neutrino, who wears the same mask.
A peer of such greats as Mil Mascaras, Blue Demon Jr, Dos Caras, Neutron, and Huracan Ramirez Jr but has only competed sporadically over a 3-decade career. Was defeated in a notable match against the Magister that lasted over three hours.
A masked luchador from Scotland whose grappling style influenced by famed Scottish wrestler, Black Angus (Frank Hoy).
El Cardo has appeared in two lucha films. Was shockingly defeated in an opening-round match at Lucharama-2018 by newcomer Verdanto.
A former junior champion and graduate of the Wrestling Women Academy, Maura later became a tag-team partner of La Torcha. (A fictionalized version of her pre-mask character was depicted in the film Academy of Doom.) She first wrestled as "Incognito" under the guise of a male wrestler at the 2003 Melkonian All-Comers Wrestling Competition, which at that time was restricted to male luchadores. She won the flyweight championship belt and then revealed her subterfuge during the post-match interview. The attention drawn by her speech led to the abolishing of all gender designations and restrictions in any Melkonian-hosted events. As of 2019 there is no other sanctioning entity anywhere in the world that has gone this far. Maura has continued to use the masculine "Incognito" appellation as a reminder of the progress that remains to be made elsewhere around the world.
An American luchador from Los Angeles, Blovio is best known as a heel who was unmasked by Argozan in a mask vs. mask bout. Received a one-year ban for comments made after losing an exhibition match to Logico at Lucharama 2004.
African luchadora who is believed to be the new masked persona of Black Mamba, who was unmasked in a mask vs. mask match against Medea. Later became chair of the physics department at the Mil Mascaras Wrestling Women Academy.
A luchador from Thailand who is best known for his unusual mask and unorthodox fighting style. Has never won a major belt in North America but has been referenced as an influence by wrestlers such as Argozan and Dramatico.
Asian Luchadora who is notable for being the first honors graduate from the Wrestling Women Academy. Was defeated by Raveniqua before joining her as a tag-team partner for a world tour in 2008. After a decisive victory over Raveniqua in 2009, followed by a dramatic Lucharama victory over La Torcha later that year, Yellowtail became the highest-ranked female wrestler in the world. While recovering from a hamstring injury, she served for a year as the first headmistress of the Salinian Academy of Wrestling Sciences.
Is rumored to be the masked alter-ego of Dianoche Jr, but others have suggested that he is the new masked persona of Blovio.
Became widely known after winning the Guanajuato Invitational and then placing 3rd in the Lucharama Melee competition less than six weeks later. Later
he became even better known for losing separate mixed-gender matches against
Raveniqua and Medea. Took a one-year sabattical to study under Raveniqua before marking his return to professional wrestling with a decisive victory over
Although his long career produced many highlights, he is best remembered for interfering in an event a Lucharama-2005 and being thrown from the ring by La Torcha. Never won an individual championship but is ranked among the top minis of his generation.
Kwandro is a tradition that derives from the ancient African culture of
Kwandrolan in which men of good mind and body could assume the mask and
spirit of Kwandro. Because many different men assume the identity and
mask of Kwandro, none were permitted to compete as the singular Kwandro
in sanctioned lucha libre events prior to 1999.
Despite this, Kwandro was invited
by his friend Mil Mascaras to
compete in an exhibition match at Lucharama-1998.
The match was advertised as "The Man of a Thousand Masks versus
One Mask of a Thousand Men". Afterward Mil Mascaras advocated for
the eligibility of any man of established dedication to compete under the
mask of Kwandro in sanctioned events.
In 2003 Kwandro published a research article discussing artifacts uncovered at an excavation in Salinia which concluded that the Kwandrolan and Olmec civilizations descended from an older civilization that spanned what are now the separate continents of Africa and the Americas. More controversially, the article suggested the possibility that Mil Mascaras and Kwandro may share historical connections.
In 2007 Kwandro introduced his sister, Kwandra, who wears a similar mask. In addition to promoting unity among people through the pursuit of knowledge, Kwandra has specifically emphasized the importance of enhancing educational opportunities for women around the world. Kwandra and La Torcha competed in the featured event at Lucharama-2009. After the event La Torcha announced that any woman of established dedication to the tradition would be eligible to compete under the mask of Kwandra in any event sanctioned by the Wrestling Women Academy.
In 2011 Transparo was registered with the Lucha Libre Sanctioning Body of
North America as "an invisible luchador of outstanding skill." As required
for registration, videos of three of Transparo's matches were
provided. Each video showed
a luchador in the ring seeming to wrestle an unseen opponent who was billed
as Transparo. Despite objections from many prominent luchadores who
considered Transparo to be "a cheap gimmick", the
registration application was deemed to be consistent with all governing
rules and regulations. It was later discovered that
Luctor was behind the registration.
In 2012 the Magister announced that he had reached an agreement with Luctor to wrestle Transparo in a match that would be televised around the world. Possibly driven in part by curiosity, the event attracted a huge international pay-per-view audience. Although the Magister's victory surprised nobody, critics hailed his singular performance as one of the greatest demonstrations of skill and athleticism ever seen in the ring. The event earned over one billion US dollars (divided evenly between the Magister and Luctor) and is to date the most profitable lucha libre event in history. Following this event many top luchadores -- including many who criticized Transparo's registration -- requested matches with Transparo to showcase their abilities. As of 2015 Transparo had already become one of the highest-earning "wrestlers" of all time.
One of the sport's ultimate big men, Facgi is known for hurling himself from the corner post to deliver devastating blows. Although he has never won an individual championship belt, Facgi shares two tag-team championships and a Lucharama victory over Dianoche.
Dark Executioner, commonly referred to as DX (pronounced
dee-ex), has a high winning percentage in sanctioned
events but his career has been limited as other
luchadores are unwilling to fight him due to his
reputation for intentionally inflicting injury.
The fact is that there is no evidence to support this
belief and it is likely to have originated from his
frightening persona in the ring.
Is considered the most influential mini in the history of
lucha libre and is ranked closely with Neutrino as the
greatest mini fighter of all time. When they finally met
in the ring in 2008 El Nano came away with the victory in
a match that the Magister described as the best of the
decade. El Nano's mask from that event is on display at
the Museum de Lucha Libre on the campus of the Wrestling
Women Academy.
In one of the most shocking events in the history of Lucharama, a newcomer luchador from Colombia, named Verdanto, made it all the way to the semifinals at Lucharama-2018 before having to withdraw due to injury. No newcomer since Argozan at Lucharama-98 had even reached the quarter-final round. Unlike Argozan, Verdanto had no official record outside of his native country and thus had never faced a ranked opponent. El Medico Angel stated during his ringside commentary that Verdanto "displayed technical skills and strategic maturity inconsistent with his purported level of experience." The mystery surrounding Verdanto only deepened when investigations revealed that his expenses were paid for by Luctor Management, LLC. Some have suggested that Verdanto was in fact Luctor.
Journeyman luchador who has accumulated more losses in sanctioned events than any other wrestler in the modern era. Despite this ignominious accomplishment,
Eigeno is widely respected for his skills and dedication to the sport.
Has a tag-team championship belt (with Argozan) and a Lucharama victory against El Cardo.
Is undefeated in mixed-gender matches with victories over Argozan, El Medico Angel, Trench Fighter, and Dark Assassin. The latter described her as "the most skilled, ferocious, and intimidating wrestler" he had ever encountered. Her only loss was to La Torcha at Lucharama 2018. Has been criticized by the Headmistress for her failure to engage in collaborative research, as evidenced by her corpus of journal publications which are predominantly sole-authored. However, the Magister praised her "weaponized vulva" finishing move as a significant technical innovation which demonstrates that influential wrestling results can still be obtained by independent researchers.
Pandemico submitted to compete at the 2020 Wrestling Women Academy (MMWWA) Open and listed aliases of El Covid and El Covido. The event occurred on 4 April 2020 without an audience due to pandemic restrictions, and he and his partner Medea were initially awarded a victory-by-forfeit in their mixed tag-team match against Raveniqua and Dramatico after the former suffered an unexplained seizure and the latter resigned due to illness. The victory was subsequently changed to a no-decision based on "an appearance of irregularities." Luctor Management challenged this reversal, and the Wrestling Women Academy agreed to let the decision be reconsidered by an outside team of experts. The selected team includes El Medico Angel, Luchanaut, El Cardo, Trench Fighter, and Yellowtail. Their decision is expected by late 2020 or early 2021, which has drawn the ire of Pandemico because the victory would have given him an automatic bid for this year's Lucharama.
Wears a full-body costume with material that quickly acquires a large static charge from physical motion which can cause painful jolts to opponents. Although controversial, it was deemed to be legal as it does not contain "sharp or abrasive features" and does not contain "toxic substances or produce hazardous debris." Most recently won an All-Open championship belt as tag-team partner with Dramatico at the 2020 Wrestling Women Academy (MMWWA) Open. Is tentatively slated to face War Bitch in a featured mixed-gender match at Lucharama 2020.
In 1969 Mil Mascaras provided one of the largest-ever academic donations to create "the finest wrestling academy in the world, with emphasis on advancement of women in wrestling." The academy began admitting students in August of 1970 under the name of The Mil Mascaras Women's Wrestling Academy, but the official name in its charter was the more familiar Mil Mascaras Wrestling Women Academy (MMWWA). After battling a hostile takeover attempt by Luctor Enterprises in 2006, the Academy was forced to restructure to more securely defend its academic independence. At that time its official operating name became the Wrestling Women Academy, though its abbreviation MMWWA was retained. Mil Mascaras supported the changes and provided a new donation equal to his original to further promote its financial strength. The Academy continues to be regarded among the top academic institutions in the world, and its three special annual events -- The Women's Invitational, The MMWWA Open, and Lucharama -- are considered among the most prestigious wrestling events in the world.